Saturday, December 18, 2010

Praise the Binders!

Chaos has been tied in knots, with great struggle, to bind the entire star-looped loom together, that it might not pull apart. And do Powers Whole preserve this bind and weave, to ensure the marauding beasts of discord do not run amok and tear the cloth to shreds? Indeed they do, with such tremendous arms of manly might and wizards’ cunning we can hardly fathom, for all our gratitude for this miracle of order out of could-be anything-else, could-be nothing-at-all, could-be always-falling-apart, and we complain when it fails? Ah, what fools we are, that every wish we whim comes not to fruit we plead the victim, when we might not be at all, and all for them who bind and taut the net that it might hold against the raging darkness! Let us praise the binders who shaped this tendril-stuff into strongest cables that in mesh the world together hold! Praise them!