Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Give You the Gift of Dawn

"I give you the gift of dawn,"
exclaimed the sun in brilli'ed clamor.
"Unpack what plexed within the day shall offer."
She spoke before the rust-enflamed wings
horizon-wide of Delling,
dawn the citadel of Eastern elf
whose upward rose-enpetall'd feathers
call the Day out from the Night.
"I give you all and awe-ly chance
to dance beneath the light,
for Day is paged book of life's each golden chapter,
pages turned by Night's jet fingers.
For I do burden-draw across the heavens
but a ringed mirror polish'd
within whose gaze each creature sees
her own reflected brightness.
What all the green unknowing give
I looking glass a'back return
with gain of subtle warmth a'gathered
from my ample heart ablaze,
with bright thanksgiving for the pageant
greening 'neath my white-hooved pave.
I see your every all in glory,
humble giving without ask.
Without the asking, I give back,
for praise is lover's gaze
reflected free in sweet duet,
and I from lovers' isle emerge,
and each Day dip down into Western
lands where lovers' Gods do find.
Think not I receive not
your spirit's freely given light :
for all do each Day see it shining
as I bridge above your blessed plains.
Good Day. Good Day to you, my creatures! Praise
the opportunity of Day to truly shine. Good Day!"


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